Convention 2016

This year, the theme for the 2016 convention is “The Spirit of Pentecost Revisited”. Essential to the theme is the foundational text extracted from Acts 2 v 1-4 and 42-47. It remains consistent with the organizational vision, striking a deep comparison with the unity of the early church and leading to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The aftermath of the early church’s collaboration led to the influx of new converts, shifting the small group of obscure believers from about 120 to over 5000 in a single day. This historically significant event launched the successive expansion of the localized ministry into a widespread movement that has lasted over 2 millenniums with over 1 billion followers.
The spirit of Pentecost is aimed firstly at reminding the leadership of the church that, at the centre of any spiritual or numerical growth, is a singleness of vision, heart and work. Secondly, it is a direct response to the shift in the 21st century view of Christianity; reaffirming that, while our approach and methods have advanced to meet the ever-changing world, there is a need to earnestly retain the spiritual depth that our Lord delivered to the Apostles. Here, the chosen 12 were to bear witness of the life, work and resurrected power of Christ in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria and to all parts of the globe. Limited by time, they have completed their leg of the journey and have given to us the mandate to create a network of churches reaching into every nation of people on the planet.
With this in mind, coupled with the vision set forth by the Executive Council of The Church of God Sabbath-Keeping, 2016 is the year of stirring the members of the body of Christ. From our children, to our youth, to our young adults and senior members, both male and female. This year, you will be armed with the necessary tools and drive to reshape the landscape everywhere The Church of God exists.
Tuesday July 5th at 6:30pm. We will kick off the convention with our meet and greet experience. This is where the believers from all over the country spend a brief period of time just connecting with each other as we enjoy light snacks accompanied by prerecorded acoustics. The evening will include the official opening of the convention by the President and Vice-President followed by intermittent activities. The various components of the convention will be formally laid out to the members and guests to give everyone an overview of the remaining 5 days of celebration.
Wednesday July 6th is Men’s Day, click here for more details.
Thursday July 7th is Children Day, click here for more details.
Thursday July 7th is also Youth Day, click here for more details.
Friday July 8th is Women’s Day, click here for more details.
Saturday July 9th is also Youth Day, click here for more details.
Sunday July 10th is Women’s Day, click here for more details.
Key Reminders:
2017 COGSK Conference Leadership Summit, March 26th 9:30am-5:00pm. This event is for all appointed and ordained persons, including missionaries, deacons, and workers; as well as all ministry leaders throughout the conference.
2017 COGSK Annual Convention, July 4th-9th. Highlight: Conference Elections and Dedication of Rexdale Church.